Galleria Fotografica
Nel sito di Mother India School potete vedere cosa abbiamo fatto, cosa stiamo pianificando e gli stupendi lavori realizzati dai nostri studenti durante i workshop.
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Inside Mother India School's web site you can see what we have done, what we are planning to do and the amanzing works our students produced during the workshops.
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I Nostri Workshop
Mother India School, è un centro per la fotografia, creato e diretto nel 2007 da Shobha, fotografa che da sempre divide la sua vita tra l’India e l’Italia. Un luogo di scambio tra oriente e occidente...
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Mother India School, is a centre for photography, created and directed by Shobha, a professional photographer who lives between India and Italy. A place of cultural exchange between...
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Prenota online
Prenota online il tuo prossimo workshop di fotografia, sia in Italia che in India. Forniremo le informazioni necessarie per raggiungerci e alloggiare. Non vediamo l'ora di averti con noi!
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Book online your next photography workshop, both in Italy or in India. We will also provide you information about facilities and accommodation. We're looking forward to have you with us soon!
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Shobha, fotografa palermitana figlia della fotografa Letizia Battaglia, inizia a fotografare nel 1981 per il quotidiano di Palermo “L’Ora” raccontando gli anni duri della guerra di mafia.
“Donne e Mafia”, uno dei reportage di maggiore importanza, pubblicato dalle più importanti testate internazionali.
1985 Riapre a Palermo il Laboratorio d’IF, centro di cultura fotografica, fondato da Letizia Battaglia...
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Shobha, internationally renowned, daughter of photographer Letizia Battaglia, started photo reporting in 1980 for the newspaper “L’Ora” in Palermo, reporting the events of the hard years of the “Mafia war”. “Donne e Mafia”, (Women and Mafia), one of the most important reports, was published by leading international newspapers.
1985 She reopened in Palermo the “Laboratorio d’IF”, photographic culture center, founded Letizia Battaglia...
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Dal fango nasce il fior di loto – 15-19 Settembre 2012 – workshop a PalermoFreom the mud arises the lotua flower – 15th,19th september 2012 – workshop in Palermo
Motherindia School anche quest’anno propone un workshop fotografico a Palermo. Città affascinante, contraddittoria, Palermo vive perennemente ed ossessivamente, come molte città dei sud del mondo, tra due culture in contrasto assoluto tra di loro. Il tema sul quale vorremmo invitare i corsisti ad esprimersi fotograficamente sarà quello della legalità e in antitesi quello dell’illegalità. La bellezza del centro storico, nonostante il suo degrado, suscita emozioni nette e forti, le luci basse dei vicoli dove vive una umanità generosa e diffidente, nello stesso tempo, spesso scomposta, sono un invito alla rappresentazione. Motherindia School again this year proposes a photographic workshop in Palermo. A fascinating city, contradictory, Palermo lives perpetually and obsessively, like many cities of the southern hemisphere, between two cultures in total contrast to each other. The theme on which we would like to invite students to express themselves photographically is that of legality and illegality in the antithesis.
Hippies and new freaks – peace love & freedom
Mother India School, in march offers again a workshop in the villages and the most famous beaches of Goa, a place of worship of the hippies from around the world in 60 years, when they slept in huts in the forest, after digging a hole in the sand to hide money and passport. The “flowered” around the world under the slogan “peace, love and freedom” spent their days in yoga…
Maximum city Bombay – lost and found – workshopMaximum city Bombay – lost and found – workshop
Mother India Photography School , in February offers a workshop in Mumbai, inspired by reading the wonderful book Maximum City. Bombay lost and found by Suketu Mehta, renowned writer and journalist, New Yorker by birth and Indian by adoption, a strong and intense story of the city through the stories that intertwine in the streets of the metropolis. Mother India Photography School , in February offers a workshop in Mumbai, inspired by reading the wonderful book Maximum City. Bombay lost and found by Suketu Mehta, renowned writer and journalist, New Yorker by birth and Indian by adoption, a strong and intense story of the city through the stories that intertwine in the streets of the metropolis.
“PALERMO AMORE AMARO” – workshop with Shobha and Letizia Battaglia from 13th to 16th october 2011
“Palermo amore amaro” is Letizia Battaglia’s book title, published in the ’80 and also the new workshop directed by Shobha and Letizia Battaglia who were able to photograph Palermo and its contradictions over the years. Palermo gives several opportunities to take a pictures, from the alive districts to the numerous multi-ethnic markets, to the amazing […]
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